We may take many photos on Holidays and events, like Birthday, Wedding, and Reunion. With these beautiful or funny pictures, we would like to make a photo album with animation and music to bring more life to the pictures.
If you have PowerPoint, it is recommended in my old posts to make digital photo album.
Before we start to add photos to our photo album project, we may need to optimize or enhance the picture with some special effects.
We do not have professional photo editing tool Photoshop. What can we do?
Don’t worry. We can use some online free photo editor to do this.
The following two recommended websites would help you.
We can use them to:
1> Rotate, Crop and Resize it.
2> Adjust its basic effects.
3> Enhance it by applying special or artistic effects.
4> Add frames, texts (or glitter texts) or even watermark.
Here below are three samples made by me.
To remove the red-eye with one click
To add frame
To apply artistic effect and add glitter text
Besides these kinds of online editor, you can also use some shareware to make photo collages for the photo album, digital scrapbook.
If you have Windows PC, you may try this Photo Collage.
If you have Mac, you may try this iCollage tool.
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1 comment:
thanks a lot for all these tips. Need to find this soft and try all your advices. Thanks again bro ;)
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