Nov 19, 2007

Wondershare PPT to YouTube V1.0.0 released-Put PowerPoint on YouTube

Wondershare PPT to YouTube V1.0.0 released-Put PowerPoint on YouTube
Nov. 16th, 2007 � Wondershare, the global award-winning provider of presentation authoring tools, today announced the release of PPT to YouTube 1.0.0,an innovative tool to put your PowerPoint slide show on YouTube.

Do you have some nice PowerPoint slide shows and want to share them with friends on YouTube?
Do you want to promote your products with PowerPoint presentations on YouTube?

But, you know YouTube only accept video formats such as WMV, MP4. To put PowerPoint slide show on YouTube, we shall convert the PowerPoint file to WMV or MP4 video format.
This is actually what can Wondershare PPT to YouTube do for you.

Benefits of putting PowerPoint slide show on YouTube

1. It is more convenient and easy to create compelling video slide show with PowerPoint and Wondershare PPT to YouTube
2. Broadcast yourself on YouTube with your unique PowerPoint photo slide show
3. Promote your product or company with PowerPoint presentation on YouTube worldwide
4. It is an innovative alternative solution to email a PowerPoint presentation to others.

Key Features of Wondershare PPT to YouTube

Convert PowerPoint presentations to WMV, MP4 video
Retain animations, transitions, sound and movie clips
Superior batch conversion: up to 8 PowerPoint files can be converted at a time

Click to learn more details about Wondershare PPT to YouTube.

Pricing and Availability:
Price: $39.95
Free Trial:

System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000/2002/2003/2007

About Wondershare Software

Wondershare Software is an industry-leading desktop presentation application provider. Since its foundation, it has been specializing in providing powerful yet affordable multimedia presentation tools for home users, business people and educational professionals. Its product line includes flash presentation tools and video presentation tools. These tools offer users on-demand solutions with full controls to distribute presentations online and offline.

1 comment:

  1. I also use moyea ppt to dvd burner
    it is also great PowerPoint to DVD Converter
