Make presentation with PowerPoint and show it on TV
Wondershare PPT2DVD 4.5 Released
Oct. 30th, 2007 � Wondershare, the global award-winning provider of presentation authoring tools, today announced the release of PPT2DVD 4.5,an innovative yet affordable solution to bring your PowerPoint presentation out of the computer onto DVDs and show it on TV
. Have this ever happened to you? You need to play a PowerPoint presentation at certain places but there is no PC available but only a DVD player. The presentation may be a product presentation, company presentation, trade mark display or educational presentations. In a word, it should be very important that you find out a solution to play your presentation without computers.
Another case is that you've created a compelling PowerPoint presentation with sound tracks and movie clips embedded, but have no choices but attach the huge package in the email and send to others for sharing, or carry your heavy box wherever you go. And what if the receipts or audience do not have a PC even have such access, and if they do not have the right version of PowerPoint viewer to play presentation correctly and if the attached media files are lost during the delivery? Needless to say, the efforts you spent on the presentations return nothing to you but only complaints, pities, and lost opportunities.
Wondershare PPT2DVD is the first and so far the top innovative program that brings the idea to convert PowerPoint presentations to DVD which is designed to give an end to the above troublesome cases.
As one of PPT2DVD users said: "THIS SOFTWARE IS AWESOME, you can burn directly to a Standard CD which or DVD, or create an ISO file, when 1st put in your DVD player you have the options to manually go through the slides or let it do it automatically, this software will be a great plus for business and education, hooking $1500 projectors to a computer will be a thing of the past, just use a $20 DVD player…. "
Key features of Wondershare PPT2DVD.
1. Convert PowerPoint to DVD, MiniDVD, HDTV
2. Keep original PowerPoint animations, transitions, sound tracks, movie clips and even the inner hyperlinks in the DVD movie.
3. Customize DVD menus to create a real DVD that can be controlled using a DVD remote controller.
4. Convert to WMV, AVI, MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2) video.
What's new in PPT2DVD 4.5
1. Automatically check PowerPoint file for errors to insure the best results
2. Flexible preview step to enable you to customize the video quality before burning
3. Brand-new interface with easier step by step guide
Click to learn more details about Wondershare PPT2DVD.
System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000/2002/2003/2007
About Wondershare Software
Wondershare Software is an industry-leading desktop presentation application provider. Since its foundation, it has been specializing in providing powerful yet affordable multimedia presentation tools for home users, business people and educational professionals. Its product line includes flash presentation tools and video presentation tools. These tools offer users on-demand solutions with full controls to distribute presentations online and offline.
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