Mar 7, 2007

A Guide to choose the correct PPT To Flash software

A Guide to choose the correct PPT To Flash
conversion software: 3Ps

There are many reasons for us to use PowerPoint and as many reasons as that for us to use Flash movies. PowerPoint is an easy-to-use application to create powerful presentation. Flash is a web tool which has interactive vector animation and small file size. However, it does ask for some technical skills to create Flash. The best solution is to create PowerPoint presentation and then converter the presentation to Flash. That is the reason we need a PPT To Flash conversion application. But it is difficult to choose correct software to need our specific needs due to many factors including software and hardware.

Today, we focus only on the software. There are a lot of conversion applications by different developers. Before we make a decision it is essential to find out the difference between them. 3Ps-price, performance and post-sale support are the three key factors for us to consider. Then I will give an example to show how does these Ps work in making a wise purchase.

1. Price
Price is important but not everything. The seemingly high price sometime does not mean a waste of money while the lower price may not be a barging. Let’s think about the concept –investment & returns. In this case, we should take cost/performance in consideration. In addition, we have to think about your budget. It casts great impact on our purchase decision. Therefore, the wise practice is to find balance between our budget, price and performance.

Performance is the key. But it does not mean that higher performance level is better because in we have to pay more for more features. We only pay for those features we needs. That is the point.
However, a PPT To Flash conversion software should have “must” features. They are the basic for us to create better presentation out of the PowerPoint source. We can look at the feature list of the software and see if it contain the features we need.

3. Post-sale support
Most of us are ordinary customers without sophisticated programming knowledge or technical skills. When we have problems we need help. Therefore, excellent technical support is necessary.
Besides, we need upgrade.

This is the case study of applying 3Ps.

Software: Wondershare PPT2Flash Professional

Part 1 Price analyses
This is the price list
Single-user license:$199.95
Academic pricing:$99.95
Single-building site license:$399.95
Non-profit pricing:$199.95

Note: the Standard version is $59.95 with fewer features (
In most cases, this kind of application has two different versions differently priced. One is lower than the other because of simple functions.

To sum up, the price level of this program is not high compared to other similar software in the market. That is all. We still have to find out what feature it has.

Part 2 Feature list of PPT2Flah Professional
Output Options:
l Two LMS standards output: AICC and SCORM
l Flash merger for web publish
l Play mode without player or control bar & play mode with tem
l Full screen play
l Package for CD
l Package for E-mail
l Upload to FTP server
l Detailed flash player settings
l Frame rate change
l Play speed control
Conversion capability
l Grouping effects in PowerPoint
l Animations on diagram
l 170+animations
l Gif animation
l Audio timeline editor to synchronize audio and video (plug-in mode)
l Video clips
l Slide transition
l Volume control
Interactive elements
l Flash movies insert (plug-in mode)
l Attachment support
l A tool pen in player
l Slide note edit
l Audio import
l Narration record and narration note

Choose the needed features and compare with the correct license price. If you find that you need most of these features, you can consider making a purchase. As for the actual functionality, download a trial version to have a try.

Part 3 Post-sale support
Actually, post-sale support includes two types of support. One is technical support and the other is upgrade.
1. technical support of PPT2Flash Professional
Ø e-mail technical support
Ø on line live support
Ø phone support
Ø forum
Ø help file
2. Upgrade
Ø Rapid upgrade
Ø Newsletter subscription
Performance: ★★★★
Post-sale support: ★★★Purchase index: ↑

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