Wondershare PPT2DVD 3.8.10--convert powerpoint to dvd
Many companies are looking at rapid e-learning for just-in-time learning, to save money on training, and to provide training that currently is not available. Here are some recommendations to identify if rapid e-learning is right for your project.
Type of courses best used for these purposes
Success factors
Development team
Skill levels for rapid e-learning course creation
Differences between synchronous and asynchronous delivery (when to use which method)
Where PowerPoint fits in
Characteristics of a rapid e-learning tool
Content tips for creating rapid e-learning
Type of courses best used for these purposes
Rapid E-Learning
Traditional E-Learning
Content rapidly changes or is updated frequently
Content is fixed, or rarely changes
Content may or may not be generic or have a short shelf life
Content is generic or has a long shelf life
Limited or non-existent budget
Large budget
Just in time information – hot topic
Quick time for delivery
Long lead time
Re-purpose existing content
Original content
Any subject that can be explained in words
Subjects that need simulations or 3D models
Success factors
Rapid E-Learning
Traditional E-Learning
PPT2FLASH can use the tool – as simple to use as PowerPoint and Word – one to two day learning curve
Power User tool – graphic specialists, technically sophisticated users – two weeks to six month learning curve
Produces content that is easily deployed
May include complex interactions, high band width content, plug-ins
Does not require a team of people to create a course
Need a team that has advanced skills e.g. programming, graphic design, instructional design
Course creator imports graphics, clip art, simulations, and animations
Course creator creates graphics, simulations, and animations
Company understand the value of e-learning (understands the cost, time, accessibility savings of moving classroom training to the web)
Company has not necessary embraced e-learning
Works well in a bottom up initiative structure
Works well in a top down initiative structure (larger budgets, larger projects)
Visual design (look and feel) is supplied by company – course developer is not involved.
Visual design (look and feel) is integral part of development process
Courses can be easily maintained, updated, and re-posted
Development team
Rapid E-Learning Project
Traditional E-Learning Project
PPT2FLASH (Profile: analytical thinker, able to deliver information in a structured form, like a journalist)
Project manager
Optional: Artist to create any project specific graphics, simulations, or interactions
Graphic artist(s)
Optional: Instructional designer to bring course up to the next level
Course Developer
Instructional designer
Skill levels for rapid e-learning course creation
Course developer
Skill level
Level one
Takes knowledge and creates a course
Level two
Additionally, can change graphics, colors, add in clip art
Level three
Collaborates with graphic artist to bring courses to life
Level four
Collaborates with graphic artist and programmer (database) to bring additional functions to a course
Differences between synchronous and asynchronous delivery
(when to use which method)
Content needs an instructor – clear need for communication between instructor and student (instructor face time)
Content can stand on its own
Instructor is available when students are available
Course is available 24 x 7
Students are not necessarily self motivated
Students need just-in-time training (available when they are, not when the instructor is available)
Instructor is changing content in real time (Content is not finished)
Courses that can be used as a corporate resource, a reference for increasing productivity (e.g. can be accessed by a Knowledge Management system)
Note: Asynchronous material can be effective in a synchronous environment; the reverse is not the case.
Where PowerPoint fits in
Why PowerPoint is not a Rapid e-learning tool Does not stand on its own – needs an instructor – is not robust
Does not visually work on the web
Where PowerPoint works Good for instructor based training (it’s a presentation tool)
Existing presentations can be used as an e-learning course outline
Characteristics of a rapid e-learning tool
Short learning curve
Does not require the course developer to know how to create a course’s look and feel
Navigation built in - Automatically assures that all navigation works
Instructional design built-in
Does not require any programming or HTML knowledge
Integration with LMS’s is built-in – no advanced skills are necessary
Deploys easily - does not require any plug-ins
Advanced features such as creating links, tests, glossary, FAQ, drill down pages are built-in. Does not require any advanced skills, programming, or HTML knowledge
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