Dec 6, 2006

the music of my first slide does notload until 30 seconds later

Wondershare PPT2DVD 3.8.10--convert powerpoint to dvd

Tom Holland
Hello,I am having some difficulty with ppt2dvd and I waswondering if you could help-When I burn my disk-the music of my first slide does notload until 30 seconds later-is there any way I can cutthis time down?Tom HollandManaging DirectorTeton Valley Ranch CampPO Box 3968Jackson, Wyoming 83001307-733-2958

Glad to receive from you ! As you said about this problem.I advise you followe below two steps.
1,Check the version of your PPT2DVD software, Make sure you are using the latest version PPT2DVD 3.8.10
2,Please confirm to us whether the music is belonged to the ppt file or is been inserted when you convert with PPT2DVD.
if it is the music in the ppt,you should adjust it first in powerpoint,or you can delete it and then add it use PPT2DVD.
if it was added as background music when you used PPT2DVD,maybe you should send your ppt to us to test,pls contact our live support team,they will help you lively online one to one.
The support centre

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