Apr 26, 2007

My Photo slide show—which is the best

My Photo slide show—which is the best

I have made a PowerPoint photo slide show. But this PowerPoint file is too large and I can not place it on my blog. So I am thinking about converting it to some other formats: Html, MPEG or Flash. I’d like to have your comments of these three methods. Tell me which one is the best.
What I want to do?
Embed the PowerPoint slide show to my webpage and Blogs (Insert PowerPoint to blog: BlogSpot, MySpace, wordpress)

I tried using the built-in function “Save as webpage” of PowerPoint. I followed the steps: click “File”—“Save as webpage”---select an output folder--choose Html format—“Save”. At the end I got an html file. I uploaded it to my web space and got this html photo slide show. http://free.ipdz.com/gaochuhan/my-photo-album.htm

It is actually the easiest way to put my photo slide show on the web. But I was disappointed that the slide show can’t play automatically and the transitions and animations all disappeared.

Then I searched in Google and found a tool can convert the PowerPoint slide show to video. I converted my photo slide show to an mpeg video successfully and uploaded it to my web page http://free.ipdz.com/gaochuhan/my-photo-album.mpg . You can try to visit the URL and you may find unable to load the video due to the large file size, what's more, I'm not sure whether my the visitor of my blog has proper video player installed on their machine.
As a Youtube fan, I think it may help me a lot, however the video quality is awful. See it here:

I got a headache in finding a better method. After several hours of google searching, I finally find that Flash has some particular characters may solve my problems:
1, Support animations and transitions just like PowerPoint.
2, With small file size to be easily distribute.
3, Can be embedded to webpage and blog easily.
4,.Compatible with 95% internet browsers

Then I converted the PowerPoint photo slide show to Flash successfully with a PowerPoint to Flash tool.
You may see the result here: http://free.ipdz.com/gaochuhan/my-photo-album.swf
I think it is the best way to deliver my photo slide show. And the effect is fairly nice.

See How I do it

Sample code to insert Flash Slideshow in webpage or blog

I would like to have your comments of this. If someone can point me to a better solution, that will be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I suggest either using an online site like the one listed below or if you want to make slideshows with music use muvee (muvee.com). Muvee is the quickest and easiest program I've seen for making great image slideshows. You could also upload your video through http://podcastspot.com/ (although the free account there limits you to 25mb a month for upload)


    If you have any additional questions you can contact me through the contact form at:
